Oddesund-Bridge, Banedanmark, Thyholm (Danmark)

Area of application: Bridge
Length of track: 743 Sleeper
Material used: FFU Sleeper 16x26cm + packings and up to 460cm length
Country: Denmark
Project location: Oddesund, Limfjord
Owner: Banedanmark

As part of the renewal of the Oddesund Bridge over the Limfjord in Denmark, Banedanmark (Danish State Railways) decided to replace the previous wooden bridge beams with FFU bridge beams.

On the 473 meter long combined bascule and arch bridge built in 1938, 743 bridge beams with a length of up to 460 cm were installed. The FFU beams were manufactured in the dimensions 16x25cm and provided with laminations in the support points to reach the final height. All FFU bridge beams were individually adapted to the required height by milling.

By using this design, the weight of the sleepers could be significantly reduced compared to conventional wooden bridge beams. Thus, the customer has received the most sustainable solution through Sekisui bridge girders and thus secures the most durable solution, proven by the service life of Sekisui's FFU sleepers since 1980.

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